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Formatting Notes to Berklix Associates Business Cards

Page Address (URL):

Links Requested

Please link to
(I guess search engines preferentially index to pages that link out to other sites, that are not just end sink points.)

Change Requests

  • If you want data added/ removed/ changed, eg phone numbers, addresses, qualifications, Please let me know. .
  • In some case more data is already in the master sources off line, but commented out, cos I didn't want to over expose without permission.
  • No need to ask for alignment changes, these are pending, see Errors

Variants Generated

The macros that I use to generate the cards are very complex, so style remains similar. Cards are automatically formatted & uploaded using FreeBSD, using Berklix custom Make macro extensions, with a pre filter of le, to Groff input, that then generates for all combinations of:
  • Numerous people, + common back.
  • Card Sizes: x1 x2 & x4.
  • Card Formats gif & PDF.
  • Web Version (less contact info) & paper handout version (with more info eg mobile numbers).
  • Individual cards (with zero offset, for display within web pages), & Sheets of adjacent cards with guillotine cut marks.
  • An extra line on most cards lists personal special skills.

Other Features

All variants of cards & Sheets ate automatically updated by Makefile then uploaded by rdist6

Formatting Errors Pending

  • The paper Sheets to print, & the unitary size gifs are about OK; But others are still under development, & some problems outstanding:
    • Paper sizes: The card data knows & generates card the right size, but this has not yet been exported to all groff & ghostscript include libraries, so frames are too big.
    • Some X2 X3 X4 Magnifications not yet right.
    • Rotation: groff is rotating media frame from portrait to landscape, but ghostscript or ghostview here still showing portrait.
    • .PSPIC macro centres the inch & cm rules, The old macro syntax for left alignment no longer works.
    • .PSPIC macro gets the inch & cm rules the wrong size on the web card version, but the printed Sheets version is OK.
  • The .pdf files are updated automatically.
  • Until some problems above are solved, the .gif are updated manually from .ps by xv.


  • Do not try to print single cards. There are pre-assembled
  • The small fonts on the back of the card look better with a 600 DPI laser than a 300 DPI, especially if inside a hot laminated plastic card.
  • One can either print on card stock, & just cut front faces, or print on paper, & fold & insert in a laminator.

Laminating (Plastic Encasing)

  • Hot laminators used to cost hundreds of marks, but now cheap, @ 2010.03, There's 2 for 30 Euros: type laminator into Conrad 1 is a box with a rotary guillotine too. & a "corner rounder" whatever that is. The plastic cards I buy are pre-rounded anyway.

    I use an old IBICO laminator Model ML-9

  • Laminator Media Size: Credit Card

Printable Sheets

  • for local printing by owners.
  • With guillotine alignment marks to cut 5 cards.
  • Line password protected directory.
  • Sheets of cards have more info, eg mobile numbers, home number, addresses etc, that associates may be happy to give physically as a card to particular people, but not want on the web.
  • One Can Print Either:
    • On card stock, & just cut 5 front faces (though note size will be 6mm less than credit card size.
    • On paper sheet, cut & fold to include 5 x front & back, & insert in credit card sized plastic for laminator.
    • Or sometime I could write a new sheet master to allow 3mm extra round all borders, & 10 fronts & no backs, designed for sheets of card to be cut to full credit card size.

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