Chinchilla Giganta Rabbits
Ron Stacey was chairman of
the NCGRC ([British] National Chinchilla Giganta Rabbit Club
(founded 1923)), for many years maybe decades, about 3+ decades
before 2017.
One of his Chinchilla Gigantas - a buck (= male)
Size: English house bricks behind give the scale.

- I (Julian
Stacey) have various papers, which I'll scan later at low
priority. I will also do an auto merge of OCR texts to achieve best
Definition of Chinchilla Giganta by Ron Stacey
The Premier Triple Purpose Rabbit
By Ron Stacey,
Chairman, National Chinchilla Giganta
Rabbit Club"
- Newsletters to scan later
Ron Stacey was breeding
rabbits during 2nd world war (WW2 ended 1945), I
believe always Chinchilla Gigantas, & continued beyond
1975. He referred for Chinchilla Giganta history to Grace Wren
, maybe she was daughter of the Chris Wren
referred to below. The full mix of rabbits her father used to
produce the Chinchilla Giganta seemed unknown, though main
breeds were generaly agreed.
At 2017-12-30, a Search shows these
- Germany:
Translation by Google & Other
Original: www .
kleintiernews . de / topics / flemish - giant . php
Flemish Giant (England) ... Die Originalfarbe war Wildgrau.
Um 1900 begann der bekannte Züchter Christopher Wren (Namensvetter und Berufskollege
des Erbauers von St Paul's Cathedral) in West London mit der
Herauszucht der Farbe, die den Flemish Giant in
Großbritannien heute von den anderen Riesenrassen
unterscheidet. Chris Wren benutzte dann den Flemish Giant,
um die Riesenchinchilla (Chinchilla Giganta)
- home .
netspeed . com . au / reguli / chinchilla . htm
en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Chinchilla_rabbit #
- exclusivelyrabbits .
blogspot . de/
- www .
thebrc . org / clubs - national . htm
The British Rabbit Council - lists a National Chinchilla
Giganta RC 2015
- www .
giantchinchillarabbit . com/
I descended from the English breed known as the Chinchilla
Giaganta, which incidentally corresponds to the so called
"Heavy-Weight" or American Chinchilla. ...... The first Giant
Chinchilla was born in Kansas City, Missouri, on Christmas
Day in 1921.
- www
. raising - rabbits . com / chinchilla - rabbits .
Development of the Chinchilla Giganta began in 1917 in
England ... They were recognized as a breed in France by
1948. We suspect Chinchilla Gigantas are significantly larger
than the Giant Chinchillas of the USA but identical in every
other way.
www . australiannationalrabbitcouncil . com / 2018 -
extravaganza - perth . html
BOB Chinchilla Giganta - $10 ... BOB Chinchilla Giganta -
PAID - Reguli Cavy
- www
. vetstream . com / treat / lapis / freeform /
Chinchilla Giganta picture
ipfs . io / ipfs /
QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco / wiki /
Chinchilla_Rabbit . html
www . passionforpets . com . au / dog - breeds / rabbit -
breeds . aspx
Australia. Picture. "Type: finely boned, long, graceful
body. Adult bucks heavier boned with bolder heads. Dewlap
permissible in adult does. Coat: fur uniformly dense and
silky in texture but with resilience and length not less than
3.175cm (1 1/4 inches). Colour: Undercolour a deep blue slate
as dark as possible from the skin to at least half the length
of fur then followed by a clear band of pearl (off white) not
exceeding a quarter of the length of fur. The peal band to be
followed by a distinct black line, finishing the surface in
alternating blue/grey and silver/white tippings, which are
heavily intermixed with longer black tipped guard hairs. The
colour must be carried well down the sides of the belly. Eye
colours blue, grey or brown and ears to have black lacing.
Adult weight: Maximum 5.44kg, Minimum weight - does 4.07kg,
bucks 3.855kg"
agriorbit . com / rabbit - championship - show - agri - expo
- livestock /
South Africa Classes inc. Chinchilla Giganta,
- www .
sarabbits . com / differentrabbitbreeds . htm
South Australian Rabbit Association Inc. inc Chinchilla
www . coopsandcages . com . au / blog / ultimate - list -
rabbit - breeds/
The Standard Chinchilla and the Giganta breed were both
developed in France, while the American and Giant Chinchilla
originated in the US.
small - pets . lovetoknow . com / rabbits / giant -
chinchilla - rabbit
- Don't look like the Gigantas I jhs@ knew.
NO Lifting By Ears ! : It's evil & totaly un-ncessary to
lift rabbits by their ears. Instead put one hand behind their
rear above the tail, the other hand under, just behind front
legs, lift, dont leave them in the air long cos they get
nervous, lean back a bit, & plonk their back feet on your
belly some where around your navel, & front feet on your
chest, they relax, you can walk wherever, sometimes if you keep
still too long, they want to climb up to your shoulder, for a
more horizontal platform or better view ?.
I jhs@ never saw the other genetic throwbacks mentioned
above (eg no occasional white fur etc), except one common fault
we saw: fairly often one in a litter (ie a group born maybe a
month or 2 back, would have its fur as a ragged knotted mess,
not all pointing parallel backward like a normal rabbit. Not
that the other rabbits seemed to discriminate, just the
See also: