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Julian H. Stacey - Mobile Number

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American `Cell Phone' = British `Mobile' = German `Handy' (Ugh!)

Mobile(s) Sometimes Off Or Not Receiving !


  • I prefer you first use my normal terrestrial phone number or email.
  • No point incurring un-necessary microwave radiation to brain via mobile in own office.
  • Avoiding mobiles allows a full size desk hand- set that can jam between head & shoulder, leaving both hands free for computer, or to be able to switch to desk head set.
  • Android smart phone may be busy, not available for mere phone calls when in own office.
  • I don't want any SMSs !

Exception : After Payment For : Computer Consultancy Business

Company & personal policy is NO Mobile Numbers Until After First Payment Received (may be advance partial payment on account). We've been in business long enough to know offers of work, purchase orders, & contracts may be nice, but only Money Talks !


If your company is not in Munich & you have difficulty contacting me or other of my company's consultants, Please Realise:
Numerous newer Munich offices occupied by computer, electronic & pharmaceutical industries etc, have thin metal film on windows. It blocks or degrades mobile phone usage, including SIMs on smart phones for email. It's purposes /[intended?] effects might include:
  • To block solar gain, reduce air conditioning cost.
  • Visual privacy: Obstruct industrial espionage eg binoculars into conference rooms.
  • Electronic privacy: block RF transmissions from monitors (long supposedly a method of copying screens).
  • Block mobile phones, so employees don't chat on flat rate to friends.
  • Block mobile phones, so business calls can't be monitored by competition with a base station.
  • Block mobile phones, so business lines can be monitored, including business calls from visiting suppliers to competitors.
  • Block mobile phone data links, to prevent disastrous internet firewall back door avoidance.
  • Look shiney/ modern to attract purchasers (office block purchase is very cyclical, many stood empty in 2006, Muenchners are notoriously trendy).
  • Mobile Phone & SMS Communication may not work reliably or at all (depending on single/dual band, location, provider).
  • Internet by company internal WiFi base station undoubtedly blocked by firewall etc.
  • Internet by WiFi to external LAN base station won't work unless perched by open window, & finding an insecure external adjacent WiFi base station (fat chance!).
  • Internet via GPRS & SIM card (if equipped) may not work reliably or at all (depending on single/dual band, location, provider).
  • Internet access for email &/or via HTTP to remote server likely blocked by company firewall.
  • Don't be surprised if you find it difficult to contact my company's consultants visiting such buildings.
  • If such a building belongs to your customer, & my company's mobile consultants are visiting there on your behalf, if you need to make urgent contact, do it through your contact who is a registered permanent employee there, who has a terrestrial phone line &/or firewall access for email.
  • It's hard to contacts consultants if we're working shifts & after an RF screened building after midnight; we don't hang around outside on cold wet dark nights to check for phone calls mails & SMS missed, or answer incoming mobile calls driving in the dark, both v. dangerous & illegal in Germany, & on arrival home after midnight we're not trying to avoid answering you, but merely about to Sleep.
  • Sensible customers understand: If you send consultants to work in 3rd party customer RF screened buildings, with no cabled phone & internet access while at work, business communication Will degrade.
  • Do NOT phone me at 3 in the morning ! :
    A Canadian multi- national had management too aggressive for such explanation, they repeatedly phoned at 3 in the morning, then evaded payment for work done, & wrote evil threats to evade debt brokers; We sued; They paid.


I NEVER answer mobile phones while driving a car.
  • It's long been a criminal offence in Britain & then in Germany too. Punishable by
    • (Initially ?) 60 Euro fine in Germany (small>(probably gone up a lot since, many speeding fines went up in 2021/2022).
    • Points endorsed on driving licence in Flensburg
    • It doubtless counts as culpable for potentially heavy liability damages if there's an accident.
  • It's Dangerous & Immoral: I won't put pedestrians, other drivers, my passengers, or myself at risk for benefit of your business or pleasure.
  • I've never used a mobile phone when driving, even before it was a criminal offence.
  • As passenger: I rarely am, (I'm usually a driver), but keep it short, or talk at motorway stops/ car parks: Mobiles in cars transmit at higher power to defeat the partial Faraday Cage of the car. How long do I want to irradiate my brain, & impose one sided phone chat on others in a car ?
  • City Driving: Reports suggest hands free kits are distracting. I won't use one alone for city driving, It might possibly be OK for light rural traffic, but then I often have a passenger who can answer for me. My business trips tend to be short distance in heavy & aggressive Munich traffic, not safe for `hands free' verbal distraction.
  • Longer business trips: if driving my associates have my mobile & can answer. Be aware a metal car is a semi Faraday cage, mobiles automatically increase their microwave transmission power. Localised warming of brain cells occurs at normal power (to unknown effect). Not all adjacent passengers or driver want to radiate their brain faster than normal. Keep the call Short! If I want to call, I often stop the car to stretch for a brief break.
  • Petrol Stations: (American: Gas, German Benzin): Use Illegal. RF (Radio Frequency) pulsed energy could produce a spark. Leaving your phone powered up in trouser pocket near fumes from the fuel nozzle during tanking seems foolish, mobiles periodically poll for contact, & if your trouser leg is leaning near the Faraday cage reflector of the bodywork while you fill up ... ? Some petrol stations & some countries ban mobiles Not because of RF but because of the higher the risk of dropping them, & battery causing a spark.


  • Munich U-Bahn (City underground railway) : Phone use illegal. SMS legal
  • Munich S Bahn (suburban trains traveling further: mobiles allowed.
  • German National Trains: legal.
  • European Planes: Illegal to power on transmitter device, thus no acoustic mobile phone , no SMS, (even powering up a dumb mobile phone to consult eg a calendar or calculator app will be illegal, as dumb phone will poll base stations. A smart phone can be switched to flight mode, after which calculator & other apps will be legal, so long as No app disables flight mode, (& no normal users have knowledge of their phone settings & permissions, unless they have rooted their smart phone))


SPORTS TRIPS: Cycling, Skiing, Mountain & Flat Land Walking, Wind Surfing

  • I wont answer most of the time, unless by chance sitting in a cafe, or on a mountain, stopped for a break.
  • Cycling: I never answer a phone while cycling. It would be far too dangerous. I go Fast. By the time I've found a safe place to stop, & pulled phone out, you'll have hung up, I'll have wasted energy, & you'll have made me late[r] than maybe I already was, & I'll have become extremely hot for lack of air cooling. So I won't answer!
  • Skiing: Similar for skiing, plus also there are some situations too perilous for self &/or others to pull out a mobile from a backpack even if stationary. Plenty of ski mountains I know where coverage doesn't work half the time.
  • Mountain walking, it depends, sometimes not convenient/ safe.
  • Flat land group walking trips I can usually receive a call most of time (but not phone you so easily, squinting at a small screen in bright day light with no shadow is a great way to trip over rocks, & maybe down a hill, else need to stop & lose group ahead, or if leading a group, inconvenience whole group by stopping just for you - guess what ? I may not answer.
  • Wind Surfing Trips: Even when on dry land, mobile may already be in locked car, car key buried in waterproof bag, in pocket of swimming trunks, deep under wet suit that takes ages to struggle into, zip up from the back, under trapeze & buoyancy jacket. I don't have a half hour to de-rig, look up who has long hung up, phone someone back, & re-rig all the surf gear.

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